Annual Geminid meteor shower December 15, 2023

The Geminids are considered to be one of the best and most reliable annual meteor showers and are set to peak on December 15 in Australia and New Zealand. This meteor shower is visible from December 3rd to December 19th are considered to be one of the most...

Northern and Southern Taurid Meteor Shower

A casual observer may watch the sky at night and see 3 to 5 sporadic meteors per hour more if you are in a dark location. However, on some nights, this number may increase markedly, and on projecting the paths of the meteors back, we find that many appear to radiate...
April Skies 2023

April Skies 2023

April 2023 Skies April Skies in 2023 offer many interesting astronomical events to observe. One of the great things about April is that, for those of us in the East, we are back on the same time zone after Daylight Saving ends on Sunday, April 2nd. This means that our...
March 2023 Skies

March 2023 Skies

I love March as this is when the Milky Way appears higher in the sky and some of the best constellations are right overhead, and the weather is a bit more pleasant. This is an excellent time to head outside, spread a blanket on the ground and just lie there looking...
February Skies 2023

February Skies 2023

I love February as it is the start of the Milky Way season when the Southern Cross rises earlier each night which also means that the Milky Way becomes more and more visible! So, start to check it out on the New Moon evening of the 20th. The Moon this Month (All times...